Christine L’Abbé

Join Cindy Kaplan and Christine L'Abbé in this video discussion about the illusions associated with parenting and how this impacts our journey with our neurodiverse children. Join us in opening up to and exploring a new narrative for you and your child.

Christine L’Abbé

When we are given a diagnosis for our child, we begin to mourn a fantasy about what our lives were meant to look like that we believed promised happiness. This fantasy stood in alignment with the person we've known and been for most of our lives. A version of ourselves that was molded and shaped by our conditioning, beliefs, culture and life experience. When we are told that our child is not 'typical', our vision of the future becomes blurry, our plans and ideals come to a halt, the way we envisioned ourselves parenting becomes uncertain, old unhealed wounds begin to surface, and for most, that can be very painful and uncomfortable. Moreover,…

Christine L’Abbé

It's important for parents and caregivers to know that it is so understandable for us to experience fear when we learn that our child is identified or labelled as different. From the moment we were born, we were taught that we needed to fit into this world to survive and to feel safe. We were given a blueprint of what success in this life meant and what it looked like. This blueprint solely focused on what appeared outside of us rather than what lived within us, naturally directing our attention to our physical selves and our environment. We learned that happiness was merely a…

Lori Preshing

It is inevitable, they go back to school, they catch all the bugs they are exposed to and the sick days begin. Even more so for toddlers who are still exploring and everything goes in the mouth, it is going to happen. So what can you do about it?? Over the years we have found a few natural secrets that work very well for our family, so it makes sense to share these gold nuggets: COD LIVER OIL (CLO) rewind the clock and this was always given to children- tasted bad but moms insisted, they knew better. What are the…

Lori Preshing

Both a healing and peaceful experience - explore the profound sensation of pure crystal bowls, both heard and felt, which allow memories, emotions, or past trauma to move through you.  Though many people have only recently heard of sound baths, the use of music for healing is nothing new. From Tibetan singing bowls to tinga chimes, music has been used for its therapeutic effects for thousands of years. Researchers began to focus on proving the correlation between sound and healing. These studies proved that music could lower blood pressure, decrease pulse rate and assist the parasympathetic nervous system, which is…

Christine L’Abbé

I recently picked up The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks, an audio book I had listened to many years ago, but felt inclined to revisit. For those who don't know, there are three universal laws that govern the universe: the law of attraction, the law of deliberate creation and the law of allowing. To master the art of becoming the creator of our own reality is to become familiar with these laws and how to work with them. This starts with a deep understanding and sense of self, on all planes: the physical, the emotional, the mental and the…

Jennifer Swanson

In this month's blog post I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge parents for their continuous efforts learning to connect differently along with the high level of care you offer your children. In this 2 part blog series I will focus on navigating disconnection with our children, the power of forgiveness, understanding and compassion during times when our relationships feel strained. As a parenting coach and neurobehavioral facilitator, my purpose is assisting  families, caregivers and educators  in better understanding special needs children and strengthening the caregiver-child relationship. I am committed to the discovery of the child’s spirit. I support…

Angela Demeester

Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn. You don’t know why or where it’s leading you, but thepractice of contentment is a reminder that we already have everything we need within and to stopsearching outside of ourselves. Fulfilment and the answers we seek are already inside of us. We justneed to slow down and listen. Contentment is about realizing how much you already have, accepting and appreciating all that is, allthat you are, and moving forward from there. In Yoga, the second Niyama of Pantajali’s Yoga Sutras isSantosha which translates to contentment. This is the opposite of desire, lack, and not…

Listening Centre

One day, a little girl whom we will call “Amy” came to the Listening Centre with her mom for an initialassessment. At the time, Amy was just 2.5 years old. Amy’s mom was interested in having her assessedfor a listening training program with concerns related to Amy’s suspected developmental delays. As isdone for any initial assessment, the Listening Consultant reviewed all reports submitted by Amy’s mombefore meeting her, including a psychological report and a speech and language report. It was clearupon reviewing these reports that little Amy was very poorly coordinated, had low muscle tone, wasbehind in her speech and…

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