An integrative & holistic approach to healing

Services and educational online resources for families of children with a neurodiversity, learning differences, and/or complex health needs

Support for the whole family

Evolve Movement offers educational tools and resources for parents and caregivers of children who’ve received a diagnosis. Therapeutic services and comprehensive support are available to help parents and their children live happier and healthier lives rooted inner connectedness, clear intention and alignment. When you see the possibilities beyond a diagnosis, the whole family will thrive.

How Evolve Movement can support you and your family

Virtual programs, podcast, blog and resources

Learn helpful, integrative healing approaches from health practitioners and coaches through online resources — all at your own pace.

A Community of Families Like Yours

Join a free Facebook group for support and community with other parents and families who are navigating life with a neurodiverse child.

One-on-One Support with Practitioners

Evolve Movement is home to a collective of practitioners passionate about helping families heal and thrive after a difficult diagnosis.

The four pillars of Evolve Movement

Holistic nutrition & supplementation

Learn how optimal nutrition and supplementation tailored to your child can have a powerful impact on their overall health, well-being, and brain development.

Emotional health & well-being

Support your children from the inside out. The Evolve Movement practitioners are trained to create a safe and positive environment so you and your family feel seen, heard, and valued.

Cognitive & physical expansion

The Evolve Movement practitioners use natural, non-invasive ways to support brain development. Leaning on sound, energy, and movement techniques, your child will more easily tap into their unique potential.

Alignment through play

Children need safe space for creative expression and freedom to explore. Through the power of play, your child will begin to tap into their inner guidance system to identify what is in alignment with their soul's intent.

Evolving together

Awaken and expand when you join our self-paced program

Christine L’Abbé and Cindy Kaplan help you bridge the gap between inner healing, self-understanding, reconnecting with your inner guidance system, and your ability to create an optimal learning environment for your children to step into their innate potential.

Through discussions, the co-hosts teach you about conscious parenting, the power of awareness and self-reflection, and the importance of finding alignment with our soul's intention.

This engaging and supportive content serves to empower parents to not be limited to the stories they’ve been taught to believe.

What the Experts are Saying

"Evolving Together is exactly what parents of neurodiverse children need! 

I can’t think of two better people than Cindy Kaplan and Christine L’Abbé, both certified Conscious Parenting coaches and parents of amazing neurodiverse children to bring this into the world.

Evolving Together is monumental! This program is not only providing support for parents in this demanding and often overwhelming parenting task, but ushering these parents through a process shifting the way we see special needs so that parents feel empowered to step into their fullest lives in order for their children to fully step into theirs".

Dr. Shefali Tsabary,

Clinical Psychologist & NY Times bestselling author of The Conscious Parent, The Awakened Family, The Parenting Map, etc.

"Be the change you want to see in the world".

Meet Our Founder

A fierce advocate for families of divergent children, Christine L’Abbé is bringing to life an integrative and holistic model of care that supports the whole family to thrive in happiness and health.

An approach driven by possibilities, deep understanding and inner expansion rather than focused on limitations and outdated belief systems.

Christine is committed to guiding families and professionals to move past the illusion of perfection towards authenticity and alignment with their soul's intent. A path that empowers families to create an optimal learning environment for a child to truly step into their unique potential.

Free resource: how to support your child and family through a diagnosis

In this three-part video series delivered straight to your inbox, you’ll learn the first step to becoming empowered to create an optimal learning environment for your child to step into their potential.

The fog that keeps us from seeing our Neurodivergent children as whole.

Step one to learning how to create an optimal environment for your children to step into their innate potential.

A resource for parents with neurodivergent children.