Sheena Murphy




  • ABM Certified NeuroMovement® Practitioner
  • ABM NeuroMovement® for Children Practitioner
  • Fitness and Nutrition Diploma
  • WILDFIT® Coach
  • Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher
  • Certified Child’Space Practitioner
  • B.A. Psychology
  • MSc. Forensic Psychology
  • Certified Essential Oils Coach


Movement Lessons

  • 30 Minute ABM NeuroMovement Lesson - $80
  • 60 Minute ABM NeuroMovement Lesson - $100
  • Child's Space Developmental Coaching - Request Pricing

Nutrition Coaching

  • 30 Minute Virtual Nutrition Consult - $60
  • 60 Minute Virtual Nutrition Consult - $120
  • WILDFIT 90 Day Health Challenge - Request Pricing
  • Lifebook Premium - Request Pricing


Born and raised north of Toronto, I moved to Ottawa in 2006 to begin my professional career. A career that brought many great experiences and opportunities, which allowed me to develop a diverse skill set.

In 2015, I gave birth to my first child, a precious baby boy named Loghan. The first few months of his life had challenges typical with being a new parent and some that I can now look back on and realize were indicators for obstacles that lie ahead. With many missed milestones and medical abnormalities, it became apparent that something was a different about Loghan. Countless hours were spent in our localchildren’s hospital with frequent emergency visits, specialist appointments, therapy appointments, testing and surgeries. Every spare moment was spent trying to research new and alternative methods to help Loghan. I had done everything that had been recommended by the medical community and enrolled in every type of therapy, but there was little to no progress.

Googling one evening I came across the book Kids Beyond Limits by Anat Baniel. Immediately, I went to Amazon and bought the book; the book that changed my life forever. I had not even finished reading the book before I began searching out local practitioners. I knew I had to try this method for Loghan. I got in contact with a local Feldenkrais practitioner, who referred us to Marcy Lindheimer in New York City. I packed Loghan up and went to New York; where I finally began to see small but critical changes and progressions that had never been present before.

A few months later Loghan was diagnosed with a rare progressive life-limiting genetic condition; Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome. There is no cure or treatment for Mitochondrial Disorders; however, they do say proper nutrition and exercise are imperative. Working closely with a local Naturopathic Doctor was helping me to perfect Loghan’s diet and ABM was proving to be the only effective method in waking up his brain and developing the essential neural connectionsbetween his brain and body required for movement.

After receiving his diagnosis, I knew that Anat Baniel Method®  NeuroMovement® had to become an integral part of Loghan’s life and I decided to enroll in the practitioner training. The Anat Baniel Method®  has become a fundamental part of our lives now and has changed me personally, my relationship and how I interact with Loghan, and has been the catalyst for his development cognitively, socially, physically and emotionally. Loghan is defying his diagnosis and I truly believe that ABM is a crucial component to his continued progression.

The Anat Baniel Method®  NeuroMovement® has truly changed my life. Taking thistraining has inspired me to help others and children like Loghan to reach theirpotentials and become aware of greater possibilities. I am a certified Anat BanielMethod®  NeuroMovement® practitioner and continue to pursue my education through further mastery and mentorship programs.​


Located in Ottawa, ON, travels to Kingston, ON and Montreal, QC, offers virtual services




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For a worldwide listing of certified NeuroMovement® professionals serving Children with Special Needs, please visit

For more information about the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®, please visit