Christine L’Abbé

It’s time we rethink how we support and guide neurodivergent children from all angles:  how they’re being supported at home,  within their ecosystem of therapy and treatment, and  within the school system.  Only then will these children finally have an opportunity to share what they are capable of, how their differences can empower them to serve others, and how their unique abilities can shift those around them.  I’m Christine L’Abbé, CEO of Evolve Movement, a conscious and holistic network of support for families of neurodivergent children. I am also a Pediatric Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Practitioner, Conscious Parenting Coach and the author of Our Superpowers:…

Christine L’Abbé

Listening plays a fundamental role in the development of communication, language and learning. The child’s well-being, social adjustment and academic success are greatly determined by the quality of their listening. This may sound new for some, but it is supported by many years of clinical experience with thousands of children and adults at The Listening Centre. Where We Come From The Listening Centre was founded in Toronto in 1978 by Dr. Alfred Tomatis and Paul Madaule, who is still involved today. We specialize in listening training using sound stimulation (music and voice) to develop and improve the listening function. Time…

Christine L’Abbé

What does it mean to simply be present to our children? Most of us don’t quite know out of an inability to be present to ourselves; to take moments of pause to witness what we feel; to sit in silence and be present to our own unique experience, to our own essence and wisdom. It is only in allowing for this space to be still that we can truly tap into our greatness, our intrinsic beauty, our heart intelligence. Being present to another human being, whether this is our child, our partner, or any other person, means we must first…

Christine L’Abbé

Do you ever wonder when the healing will end? When we will cease to be triggered? When childhood wounds will finally dissipate allowing us to shine bright and share our uniqueness with life? Do you ever ask yourself – when you will love yourself in just being, here and now? I found myself reflecting on these questions a couple years back during a weekend yoga and mindfulness training; I realized that, in my own personal development, there was still much work left to do - as there is for most of us. Perhaps the difference being the awareness and level…

Christine L’Abbé

In a society where our children are judged and where limitations are projected onto them before they even get a chance to try, it is essential that parents educate themselves and become empowered to advocate for their children. I was once interviewed to discuss ways that parents of typical developing children could speak to their kids about disabilities and special needs. The interviewer shared that most parents told their children they should be grateful not to have to suffer like our children with disabilities, in essence, using them to help their children be more thankful for their ability to thrive…

Christine L’Abbé

Upon entering the world, my daughter Mira suffered a brain injury. Within seconds, my husband and I were thrown into a whirlwind of unfamiliar words, a loss of our vision of a healthy birth, and an unknown future filled with fear, loss, and intense love in a way that we could never have imagined. Mira spent weeks in the NICU hooked up to equipment and tubes. I spent hours every day at her side and with her on my body. Every ounce of milk taken by mouth and every tube removed moved us one step closer to hope. Every visit…

Christine L’Abbé

Life is not a linear path, as with everything there will always be ups and downs. Marriage, career, family life, raising children, reaching life goals - all take resilience, persistence and a positive outlook. With the complex challenges of today, self care is more important than ever. How can we provide for our children’s complex needs, if we ourselves are running on empty? Our philosophy is about creating awareness for the pillars of health for yourself and family: air, hydration, sleep, nutrition, movement, detox and connection. AIR: The number one thing your body needs to survive is air. Our bodies are biochemical…

Christine L’Abbé

Try this 30 minute transformational movement lesson and experience the power NeuroMovement can have on your ability to move with more ease, all the while taking a moment of pause to re-center yourself and reconnect with yourself in subtle but profound ways.

Christine L’Abbé

When I was thinking about how I have personally experienced changes in my body and healing in ways that I was not expecting this past week, through the work of the Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® (ABM), three stories came to mind. These stories of healing and change in my life are not necessarily linked to a significant health issue or diagnosis but are profound and exciting for me and show that we can all benefit from learning to move better and in better organized ways. Sprained Ankle In the spring of 2019, I stepped into a hidden hole in the…