Let's answer your questions!

  • General FAQ
  • Modality Specific FAQ
General FAQ
My family is new to this type of care. Where should I begin?

A great place to start is with our initial intake form, which asks a series of questions about your child and family. Once submitted, a member of our team will get in touch via email to schedule an appointment to get to know you and provide recommended next steps.

I am the parent of a child who was recently diagnosed with special needs, and I am experiencing an intense range of emotions right -- from shock, anger, and sadness to confusion and overwhelm. How can Evolve help?

At Evolve, we understand – receiving a special needs diagnosis for your child can be hard. And please hear us when we say, you should not have to go navigate this journey alone. Learning to parent a special needs child is meant to be done in community. To immediately begin receiving support, join Evolving Together today. At just $25 per month, this virtual membership community for parents and caregivers of differently-abled children offers resources, support and a place to recharge when the monumental task of parenting starts to feel like too much (which we all know happens from time to time). 

What services are available to support my special needs child?

We offer services to children with special needs in the following four areas: Emotional Health & Well-Being, Cognitive & Physical Development, Mindfulness & Play, and Holistic Nutrition & Supplementation. Our services may be a fit if your child: is Highly Sensitive, suffers from anxiety, expresses behavioural challenges, has Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Tourette’s Syndrome, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), learning disabilities, birth injuries such as brachial plexus and torticollis, brain damage, genetic disorders such as Fragile X, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Rett syndrome, Down Syndrome, etc., or an undiagnosed developmental delay. Not sure if Evolve is right for your child? Reach out to inquire!

What services are available to parents and caregivers?

At Evolve, we recognize that in order to support a healthy, thriving special needs child, you must first be able to take care of yourself. That’s why we offer a range of services for parents and caregivers that includes (but is not limited to): Conscious Parent Coaching, Collaborative Problem Solving for Challenging Behaviors, Psycho Bio Acupressure, Hypnotherapy & Counseling, Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) NeuroMovement®, Yoga, Sound Healing, Guided Meditations, and Breathing Practices. Not sure which services are right for you? Get in touch!

What services are available to siblings of my special needs child?

Siblings often feel forgotten on the journey with differently-abled children. Having a differently-abled brother or sister can have a beautiful impact on a sibling’s development, but it requires a new perspective about the experience. It often calls for work to remove emotional blockages that prevent the development of a deeper bond between the child with special needs and other siblings. We offer a range of services for siblings that includes (but is not limited to): Psycho Bio Acupressure, Hypnotherapy & Counseling, Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) NeuroMovement®, Family Nutrition, and more.

Are your services available virtually, in person or both?

We offer a combination of services, both virtual and in-person. Book a free discovery call to determine the best way to work together.

What role will I play in supporting my child's care?

Our team offers the tools and resources you need to thrive during the times between your regular appointments, all in a non-hierarchical format that empowers you to engage in whatever way is right for your family. We can provide the right resources and tools to support your child, regardless of whether you desire a high or low level of engagement.  

My child is already receiving a number of services from other providers. Is it possible for my family to receive Evolve services while continuing to work with other providers?

Of course. When you complete the initial intake form, we will ask you what other services your child is currently receiving elsewhere. When we meet, we will make recommendations based on these responses, and ensure they are supportive of your family’s overall health. 

How much does it cost to work with an Evolve practitioner?

The cost of services depends on which member(s) of our team your family is working with, as well as the frequency and duration of services recommended. After you complete an initial intake form, we will reach out via email to schedule an appointment with a member of our team. at which time they will go over the anticipated cost structure with you.

Does Evolve accept insurance?

Some services are covered by insurance. Please confirm with your individual insurance provider.

My child is non-verbal and struggles to regulate his anger when trying to communicate because he does not feel understood. What kind of care do you suggest for my family as a starting point?
Modality Specific FAQ
  • Emotional Health & Well-Being
  • Cognitive & Physical Development
  • Mindfulness & Play
  • Holistic Nutrition & Supplementation
Emotional Health & Well-Being
  • Conscious Parenting Coaching
  • Collaborative Problem Solving
  • Psycho Bo Accupressure (BPA)
  • Hypnotheraphy & Counseling
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
Conscious Parenting Coaching
What is Conscious Parenting?

Conscious Parenting weaves together aspects of western psychology and eastern philosophy in a way that profoundly affects the way we view parenting and childhood. It invites us to step into awareness of our patterns and deconstruct much of the unconscious conditioning we took on as a child, forming our ideas about what parenting should look like and what our child should be doing. When we practice awareness and gain understanding of our own triggers and conditioning, we are able to parent from a place of centeredness, clarity, and presence, which  clears the space for our children to be who they are meant to be and be guided by their own internal compass. 


Conscious parenting is engaging in the process of unbecoming everything we thought we were supposed to be as a parent and instead, see our children as our greatest teacher, mirroring back to us where we have our own healing to do. It is about learning how to step into the present moment, becoming aware of our triggers and conditioning so we can connect with ourself and our child and know whether to let go, allow, or hold a boundary. It is a process of continual evolution, personal growth, and extreme self care so that we can step into the beauty of our true unique self in order that our children can step into theirs. It is about seeing the unique light in each of our children and allowing them to write their own script rather than expecting them to follow ours or anyone else’s. It is about learning to live without knowing the answers, embracing curiosity, and finding joy in our wholeness, to experience life fully.

Who does Conscious Parenting Coaching serve?

Any parent wishing to explore what holds them back from truly enjoying their children, as well as feeling stressed and overwhelmed at all they believe they need to be as a parent.

Why is Conscious Parenting Coaching important?

It allows us to tune into our inner knowing and break patterns of conditioning that no longer s

erve us as we parent our children. Without learning about conscious parenting, we will continue to pass on to our children our own toxic belief systems and live a life checking off the boxes according to script that was never ours to follow. Conscious parenting gives us the opportunity to heal ourselves so that we can live a full and enriching life with understanding, compassion and ability to work with our children through challenging moments and circumstances.

What does a Conscious Parenting Coaching session look like?

Coaching can take place in person, over Zoom, or by phone. The parents are held with compassion devoid of any judgement, as the point is to deconstruct our own patterns and see ourselves and our children with greater clarity. 

What is the frequency of Conscious Parenting Coaching?

This depends. Often clients will work with the coach weekly, but can sometimes move to every other week. coaching , unlike therapy, does not need to be long term. Ideally the coach helps the parent to do some of the work on their own.

Collaborative Problem Solving
What is Collaborative Problem Solving?

At its core, Collaborative Problem Solving is rooted in the belief that children do well when they can, not just when they want to. They lack skill, not will. Underneath all challenging behavior is lagging skill, specifically related to frustration tolerance, cognitive flexibility, and problem solving. 


When we can identify our child’s true concern and engage with them, understanding that our child is having a hard time, rather than giving us a hard time, amazing things can happen. When our child sits down to engage with us and knows they are not in trouble, but that we want to better understand and work with them to address a concern, our child drops their guard. When they are not in fear of getting in trouble, and believe that they are a partner in the process, they are more willing to open and gain confidence in order to learn new skills.


We work with our child to figure out what is getting in the way of their success and can work collaboratively to solve a problem. Inherent within this process is learning skills in frustration tolerance, cognitive flexibility, and problem solving, along with building empathy.

Who does Collaborative Problem Solving serve?

Collaborative Problem Solving serves not only the child and the parent, but it also deeply strengthens the relationship between parent and child. 

Why is Collaborative Problem Solving important?

It provides parents a fresh perspective on challenging behavior and creates a collaborative approach to working with our child rather than imposing control through rewards or punishment.

Collaborative Problem Solving provides our child an opportunity to be seen and heard, understand themselves, see us as supportive, and gain the skills to reduce the challenging behavior, all of which results in a greater sense of self-worth

Can Collaborative Problem Solving be used for differently-abled children?

Absolutely! Most children over the age of three, whether verbal or non-verbal, can engage in Collaborative Problem Solving. It will look different, but when we think outside the box and use communication that works for each individual, the same skills can be taught and the relationship strengthened.

“Having a parent who listens creates a child who believes he or she has a voice that matters in this world.” - Rachel Mary Stafford

Psycho Bo Accupressure (BPA)
What is Psycho Bio Acupressure (PBA)?

The PBA method (five-point touch therapy) was developed by Dr. Pierre-Noël Delatte in the 90s. The technique gently releases emotional blockages, which can disrupt our lives by preventing us from being ourselves. It’s quick, easy, and painless.

How does PBA work?

The method includes two key components: balancing the emotional brain and releasing

emotional blockages. The first component includes applying acupressure point circuits to balance the emotional system. This allows the brain to release endorphins (feel-good hormones), calming the emotional brain. Once these endorphins are released, the emotional blockages can be released.

Who can benefit from PBA?

Anybody can benefit. Sessions can be done with babies, children, and adults.

What does a PBA session look like?

The session is conducted with the person lying down. With sessions for children, a parent is always present. The practitioner monitors the person's pulse to determine which acupressure point circuits that the person needs. Once the emotional brain is balanced, the release of the emotional blockages can occur. Blockages are also identified by monitoring the pulse. At the end of the session, the practitioner informs the client which blockages have been released and the impact this may have in their life.

How long is a PBA session?

A session lasts 60 minutes on average.

What is the recommended frequency of PBA treatments?

There is no set frequency, but it is important to leave a minimum of four to six weeks

between sessions (integration time). Frequency has no direct impact on treatment effectiveness.

Hypnotheraphy & Counseling
What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy works at the subconscious level to change belief systems that may be getting in the way of living up to your full potential. It uses tools like relaxation, extreme concentration, and intense attention to induce a state of hypnosis (a state of focused concentration which bypasses the conscious mind,  allowing you to access messages from your subconscious mind).

How does hypnotherapy work?

During a session, you are guided through a process to induce a trance-like state that helps you focus your mind, respond more readily to suggestions, and become deeply relaxed. The therapy takes advantage of your heightened awareness of the hypnotic state to help you focus on a problem more deeply.

Who can benefit from hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy can help children and adults suffering from anxiety, trauma, fears/phobias, stress, life transitions, sleep disturbances, habits, and more. (Note: A parent is always asked to be present when working with children in hypnotherapy.)

What does a hypnotherapy session look like?

Your practitioner will guide you to a comfortable, relaxed position, after which you’ll hear repetitive verbal cues to guide you into a trance-like state. Once you’re in a receptive trance-like state, your therapist will use visualization techniques and gentle suggestions to help you identify blocks that may be holding you back from the desired state, imagine your desired future state, and guide you toward healthier decisions. At the end,  the practitioner will end your trance-like state by bringing you back to full consciousness.

How long is a hypnotherapy session?

Each session can last 30 to 90 minutes.

What is the recommended frequency of hypnotherapy?

The recommended frequency depends on the individual client and the goals of the family. But a minimum of four to five sessions is generally recommended as a starting point.

Emotional Freedom Technique
What are the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Thought Field Therapy (TFT)?

The EFT and TFT techniques are derived from ancient Chinese medicine, based on the understanding that we are made up of complex energy pathways that flow throughout the body (meridians). Energy travels through those meridians to all major organs and systems (nervous system, circulatory, respiratory, immune, skeletal, muscular, and digestive). Energy sometimes gets blocked, which can result in imbalances, discomfort, pain, or illness.  EFT and TFR help remove these blockages and restore the flow of vital energy by stimulating specific points along the meridians. 

How do EFT and TFT work?

Both methods use light tapping, which can be done alone or by a practitioner on specific points along each meridian. This helps restore the flow of energy, stimulates key organs and body functions, and soothes the nervous system.  It is a bit like acupuncture, except without the needles. 

What do EFT and TFT look like?

While EFT uses a single tapping procedure with tapping on a fixed set of points, TFT is a more focused approach and has routines established for specific issues. Also, in TFT the client is asked to think about the issue, while in EFT the client is directed to say a phrase or a specific set of phrases out loud while tapping.

Who benefits from EFT and TFT?

Anyone can benefit from EFT and TFT, even babies. Because it is so easy to learn and apply, it can be adapted to any situation and is a practice you can take home with you and tailor to your specific needs. 

How can EFT and TFT help?

EFT and TFT are excellent complements to any healing therapy, be it for a mental or a physical condition.  They help soothe the nervous system, provide you with a unique focus on the specific issue, unravel energy knots in the body, and help restore optimal function.  People use EFT and TFT to deal with fears and phobias, anger, anxiety and depression, to reduce chronic pain, as well as to remove blockages in our daily lives and to reach their goals more easily.  

What is the frequency of EFT and TFT treatments?

There is no mandatory frequency, but to feel changes, self-administered sessions should last approximately 10-15 minutes each day for seven days.  For more complex issues, the support of a coach or practitioner may be necessary to break down the problem into more manageable “chunks” to unravel the energy blockages progressively. 

Cognitive & Physical Development
  • Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® (ABM)
  • Brain Integration Technique
  • Listening Training
Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® (ABM)
What is NeuroMovement®?

Neuromovement® is a therapeutic approach that provides your brain with new but clear information that stimulates its natural plasticity. By introducing slow, subtle movement and easy-to-follow concepts, your brain has the opportunity to perceive slight differences to re-organize movement and form new neural connections and patterns. This new sensory and motor information can help you discover easier ways to move and override inefficient movement and thought patterns. 

What benefits does the ABM provide?

Once your brain is able to differentiate and integrate new patterns through NeuroMovement®, your posture and movement become healthier and more fluid, your physical flexibility, strength, coordination, and energy increase, and you no longer waste unnecessary effort to do things like stand, walk, dance, and exercise. You can also experience improved memory, sensory and emotional awareness, and mental clarity.

What makes ABM different?

One of the many ways that ABM differs from other therapies is that we work with the brain and the body as one. For example, when working with a client who has spasticity in the arm as a result of a stroke, we begin treatment by focusing on connecting with the brain and not “treating” the arm. By re-establishing neuro pathways in the brain, improved mobility and function of the arm become possible.

What can you expect during an ABM lesson for a child?

A lesson involves a practitioner using gentle touch and movement to allow a child to connect with themselves and join the process of exploring their own body and movement habits. Depending on the age and nature of your child’s condition, the lesson may resemble play more than anything else, but it could also be quite similar to an adult lesson, which is much quieter. The practitioner will continuously assess your child’s organization, tendencies, and habits and provide consistent information to their nervous system for alternative possibilities. A lesson is always structured around meeting your child where they are.

What Can You Expect During an ABM lesson for an adult?

During an adult lesson, you, the student, will be asked to lie on the table, sit in a chair, or possibly stand. There will be little to no talking. You will be instructed not to resist any movement, and not to help the movement, but instead to think of the lesson as a conversation. The practitioner will guide you through slow and gentle movements to explore which parts of yourself are being engaged, while at the same time bringing awareness to areas that could participate more or less. Attention is key. As the practitioner guides you physically through different movements, you will be asked to feel:

  • What is participating
  • Where you feel restricted
  • If there is anything you could do to decrease the resistance
  • If you are physically helping
  • If you could do less 

By paying attention to these new and different movements, new neural pathways are formed and old inactive pathways are awakened. These pathways all come to life and become available for your brain to pull from when needed in future activities and movements.

How Long is an ABM session?

Lessons for children are approximately 30-45 minutes in length. This time range depends greatly on the age and mood of the child. Adult lessons are 45 minutes long.

What is the frequency of ABM treatments?

This is dependent upon a variety of factors individual to you or your child, and should be discussed with your practitioner.


After the first few lessons, an appropriate schedule becomes more apparent. Often an “intensive” block (6-10 lessons), given over three to five days, provides substantial information to the system. Due to the frequency, what is being learned becomes familiar, which is essential in changing learning patterns.


These intensives often provide a leap in progress and are often recommended for children. On the other hand, one or two lessons a week may be enough for someone with a nagging injury.

Brain Integration Technique
What is Brain Integration Technique (BIT)?

BIT (Brain Integration Technique), also called LEAP (Learning Enhancement Acupressure

Program) was developed in 1985 by Charles Krebs and Susan McCrossin in Australia and integrates concepts in the neurophysiology of the brain. It uses a combination of acupressure points to access and release stress in different brain structures that are involved in learning.

How does BIT work?

It's very similar to computer programming and scanning for viruses. A specific “format” gives us access to a particular structure of the brain, which allows us to monitor through direct muscle feedback (kinesiology) if there is stress in that structure and if so, release it. BIT works with the electromagnetic flow of information in the brain and re-wires this flow internally. It specifically addresses approximately 80 components involved in learning. Most of these components are unconscious and are not directly accessible through remediation therapy.

Who does BIT help?

This form of therapy can help clients with learning disabilities, ADHD, and Dyslexia but can also help children and adults with all forms of special needs by removing stress in the parts of the brain that are inhibiting learning.

What does a BIT session look like?

Initially, no active participation is required: the person simply has to lie down. If it is a child, they can sit down and begin playing or doing any activity. Next, the client may be asked to complete small, very short tasks that respect their limits. If the client is ready, more complex tasks can be performed to verify and strengthen integration.

How long is each BIT session?

Most sessions last 60 to 90 minutes. Depending on the age and situation of the client, BIT can take between 12 and 20 hours to complete.

What is the frequency of BIT treatments?

There is no set frequency. It depends on what is right for each client.

Listening Training
What is Listening Training?

The main purpose of Listening Training is to improve the listening function. A major distinction is made between hearing and listening. While hearing is the passive, involuntary function of sound perception, listening is active and voluntary. When well-developed or well-trained, the listening function allows us to focus on the sound information we need and leave out, or

protect ourselves, from that which we don’t. Receptive and expressive communication, learning ability, social behavior, self-regulation, activity level, motor function, muscle tone, balance, and coordination is all related to the ability to listen. The good news is that listening can be developed and improved with exercise.

The Listening Training program is a non-invasive, natural approach to improving the listening function using music and voice. The sound is modified through various electronic filters and gates before being transmitted to the ear in a pulsating way to exercise the listening function. The modified sound reaches the client’s ears through headphones, using both air and bone conduction. The sound program is designed to reproduce the stages of the development of listening.

How is the Listening Training program structured?

Following an Initial assessment, the child receives an individually tailored sound program through headphones using the LiFT, our portable listening device.

The first intensive (the ‘receptive phase’) works primarily on receptive listening, which is the first stage of communication. The second intensive (the ‘expressive phase’) works primarily on self-listening, the auditory control of the voice. With the addition of a microphone, children are playfully engaged in activities which facilitate the use of their voice, such as vocalizing, singing, or reading out loud. The goal of exercising the ear-brain-voice loop is self-sufficiency. In other words, listening keeps improving on its own.

Following the program, reviews are planned to ensure the effects of the Listening Training are maintained. If necessary, the practitioner will recommend reinforcement ‘boosts’ or make other


Who Can Benefit from Listening Training?

Listening Training helps children and adults who are struggling with their social behavior, language, or academic performance issues due to lack of focus, short attention span, or development delays that affect their communication and learning skills. The approach is based on the understanding that the root cause of these issues is poor listening.

Children who benefit from Listening Training often have a diagnosis of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), ADHD, Learning Disability (LD), Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Global Developmental Delay, or Sensory Processing Disorder.

Most people who seek help do not come with just one issue or one diagnosis, but with a constellation. Our approach is to see the child or adult behind the diagnosis, to learn about their developmental histories, to witness how far they have already come, and determine if and how Listening Training can help facilitate their experience in the world.

What do I need to know before starting my child’s Listening Training program at home?

As part of the initial assessment, your practitioner will discuss ways of implementing the listening training program into your home routine so it doesn’t feel overwhelming for you or your child. Determining a plan of action from the start is imperative to ensuring the program is completed exactly as designed.

Although a typical intensive consists of 30 hours of listening, the age and needs of the child and family context are all considered when deciding how many hours of listening will be recommended daily. This can range from one hour per day (30-day program) to two hours per day (15-day program). The daily recommendation may be done in one sitting or split up into two to three sessions throughout the day. We also often recommend the child take a one-day break following five or six days of listening.

The LiFT device is lightweight, portable, and user-friendly. In your initial Zoom meeting, your practitioner will demonstrate the use of the equipment, explain your child’s custom sound program, and provide tips and tricks to ensure the success of the program. The child will be required to wear headphones but does not need to ‘do’ anything while listening, nor do they need to actively ‘tune in’ to the music. The child can be free to move around while listening, carrying the LiFT in a little backpack.

We recommend the child be engaged in an activity they enjoy while listening, such as coloring, sensory play, or reading stories with loved ones. Most children benefit from a structured routine so they can learn to anticipate listening time. It can be helpful to have a designated “listening space” or a selection of “listening activities” to help differentiate the listening time from other activities they may have going on.

How much contact will we have with our Listening Consultant?

You will have a Listening Consultant dedicated to supporting you and your child throughout their listening training program. They are available to answer any clinical or technical questions

you may have in the process.

You will formally meet with your Consultant by Zoom at key points of the program (beginning, middle, and end of each intensive). In addition, follow-up reviews are conducted in the months following each intensive.

Reviews with your Consultant will be a time to discuss anything you’ve been observing and ask any questions you may have. Our consultants have worked with many families and are very familiar with the various responses to the program. They will help you to understand what your child is experiencing and provide valuable advice on how to respond.

Mindfulness & Play
  • Heart Coherence
  • Yoga
  • Sound Baths
Heart Coherence
What is Heart Coherence?

Heart coherence is a practice that aims to help regularize our brain and body’s stress response. It is based on the understanding that heart rate (and heart rate variability which is the space between each heartbeat) is the single most telling sign of stress, distress, and illness. When we are stressed, or under intense emotion, we have higher heart rate variability. While your heart rate cannot be commanded at will, it can be regulated so that its response to life events is less erratic. This happens by creating coherence between brain and heart, through the vagus nerve which travels from the brain all the way down to your organs, including the heart. 

How does Heart Coherence work?

Heart coherence uses breathing, awareness, and other vagus toning exercises to create healthier patterns of brain-body connection. You practice by breathing according to a slow, peaceful, and constant rhythm, until it becomes second nature. Bringing awareness to the breath, heart, and other body areas also helps regulate the vagus nerve.  

What does Heart Coherence look like?

Essentially, it is a little like meditation, except you don’t necessarily need to sit still or close your eyes. In fact, ideally, you practice in all sorts of different circumstances so that it becomes natural.  

Who does Heart Coherence benefit?

Anyone who has had stress, emotions, or illness (ie anyone human) will greatly benefit from practicing heart coherence. In children, the practice is useful for learning to regulate emotions; in parents, it helps cultivate an inner sense of stability and serenity from which we can meet our children when times are hard.

How can Heart Coherence help?

The benefits of practicing heart coherence are countless and scientifically demonstrated.  Regular practice can reduce blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, improve metabolism and sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, help regulate emotional well-being, reduce chronic pain, and strengthen the immune system.  All of this helps your central nervous system feel like it is in safe mode more often. 

What is the recommended frequency of Heart Coherence?

For beginners, it is recommended that you practice two or three times a day for five minutes. Ideally, your breathing pace should not exceed six or seven breaths per minute.  After practicing for a while, you will notice it becomes easier and you can call upon this state at any time. 

What are the benefits of yoga for children with special needs?

The wonderful thing about yoga is that it is accessible and beneficial for everyone and every BODY. Children of all abilities will benefit from the physical postures, breathwork, and mindfulness/meditation practices. For children with different abilities, yoga is wonderful to use alongside other therapies. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve brain functioning, increase focus and concentration, increase self-awareness and confidence, help build strength and flexibility, promote better posture and body awareness, improve sleep, and help with emotional regulation.

Yoga is completely inclusive, non-competitive, and non-goal driven. This provides children with the opportunity to learn and improve in their own time and learn to recognize the abilities and

power they hold within themselves.

My child has very limited mobility. Can he/she do yoga?

Yes. Yoga is a personal practice and accessible to everyone. The physical postures can be modified or adapted for everyone, regardless of ability. For children with very limited mobility, a parent or caregiver may take part to assist. Any aids or devices are not viewed as a barrier; instead, they are included and embraced in our practice.

Should we book private or group yoga classes?

There are benefits to both, and this is a personal choice. In a private session the class can be created for the specific needs of the individual with focused attention and personal goals and needs in mind. The student may also practice yoga anywhere and we can work around your schedule. For children with different abilities, a private session is generally recommended.

There are also many benefits to practicing yoga in a group. Group classes foster community, students build friendships, and meet other like-minded individuals. In a group class, students may also build consistency in their practice, and feel more motivated. Beautiful energy is created when people are brought together to move and breathe in a group. This energy makes us feel more connected to others and ourselves.

Who can participate in the yoga classes?

All are welcome!

How long are the yoga classes?

Classes may vary from 30 minutes to one hour in length.

What are the benefits of yoga for adults?

Yoga reduces stress and anxiety, improves mental health, boosts immunity, improves sleep, can help with burnout, and improves your quality of life. Yoga can help parents and adults build compassion, create strength and flexibility, foster gratitude, and live more mindfully and with greater awareness, peace, and grace.

How can yoga contribute to a parent’s emotional healing process?

When we experience emotionally traumatic events, we hold on to this energy in our body. For example, if you feel “sad”, there is a place in your physical body where you will feel this sadness. You can try to shift this energy though your mind with positive thoughts, but when we invite our body to be a part of the experience, true transformation can unfold. Yoga invites us to use mind, body, and spirit to work together to release blocked energy in our physical body so we can experience more self-awareness, build strength and resiliency, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and acceptance. Through stretching, movement, breathwork, and meditation, we create a beautiful pathway for stagnant energy to move freely through the body and we feel a sense of ease and calm. After a single yoga practice we may be brimming with energy and bliss. But finding a regular practice will invite deeper long-term  healing. While we may feel it’s selfish or that we don’t have enough time, taking the time and energy to practice yoga sets in motion a ripple effect that everyone around you will benefit from as well. It is an act of self care, which ultimately sends a subtle broadcast to the universe that you are worthy of healing and feeling peace.

Sound Baths
What are sound baths?

Sound baths use sonic musical instruments to create a relaxing, meditative experience.

Who can benefit from a sound bath?

Both children and adults can benefit from sound baths. Since children with special needs tend to be very sensorial, they feel sound vibrations deeply, so many neurotypical people find it difficult to understand. But this is why many children with special needs love sound baths and why sound baths can be an excellent way to connect to what they’re feeling in their bodies. Becoming aware of bodily sensations, in turn, gives our children opportunities to practice connecting to their feelings. Sound baths can also be healing for parents, allowing them to sit in a meditative position and be present to receive the healing properties of the pure crystal bowls, both through the sound and feel of the vibrations.

Why are the benefits of sound baths?

Sound baths allow memories, emotions, and past trauma to move through you. It is a full-body detox, enabling deeper healing for the entire family. In addition, they: deepen relaxation, lower stress and anxiety, improve mood, well-being, and sleep, heighten focus and energy, and are rejuvenating.

What does a sound bath session look like?

Clients may lie on the floor while the practitioner plays a variety of sounds with various musical instruments. Most sound baths incorporate a variety of instruments because each gives off different frequencies, or vibrations. During the sound bath you may hear: metal singing bowls, crystal bowls, chimes, tuning forks, gongs, and drums. The practitioner may also incorporate breathwork and talk during the session, much like a guided meditation.

What is the recommended frequency of doing a sound bath?

The frequency and duration of a sound bath depends on the needs of the individual, but a typical session lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. A great addition to the bedtime routine.

Holistic Nutrition & Supplementation
How do nutrients work in the body?

The body works as an integrated whole entity, therefore when you see symptoms appear in a child, they are co-mingled with any of the bodily systems that may be off balance. Normally a healthy digestion will assimilate vitamins and minerals for whole foods, however the standard diet of today is very high in carb and sugar- this can cause an imbalance in the micobiome of the intestinal tract. Certain cravings and picky eating can set in starting a slippery slope to nutrient deficiencies- there are lots of things you can do to get back on track.

What are the signs of food allergy/intolerance?

The most common signs repeatedly seen in children are: difficulty sleeping, emotional dysregulation, constipation, anxiety, headaches, dark eye circles and picky eating. There is a spectrum that ranges from mild to severe- but they all are signs of the same thing, a body out of balance. Nutritionally there are many things you can do: change food choices, vitamin supplementation, food allergy testing (the top food allergies often are dairy, soy, wheat, corn, peanuts), stool & urine samples to see what system needs support and detoxification.

What is detox?

Rain barrel effect means the overall toxic load that a baby is born with from the mother. Then their exposure to the environment adds to that load- infections, antibiotics, GMOs, pesticides, injections, pollution etc, all this can build up in the body until one day physical symptoms start to show. Detoxification is a way to support the body to eliminate the toxins that we are exposed to everyday. Daily movement, massage, sweating/saunas, salt baths, time in nature are a few examples to naturally support body elimination. Also with constipation- there are many options to get the bowels moving, a key piece of detox.

Should I start multi-vitamins at a young age?

If you have a picky eater that refuses to eat fruits and vegetables or meats, then yes consider a good quality vitamin powder to add the nutrients they are missing. This becomes a slippery slope and paves the way to cravings for processed unhealthy foods.

Why is my child a picky eater?

Many elements make a part of this- around the age of two a child learns that eating is the one thing they cannot be made to do, an independence stage emerges, children will emulate how parents feel and approach food & its preparation. Do you eat on the run? Sit down family meals? Or out a lot? Have they developed a craving to a certain taste(usually sweet). Do they have sensory issues around eating? Or perhaps a physical challenge, all these play a part in learning to eat, developing tastes as they grow and their feeling towards food. There are many strategies to steer this in other ways.

Does my child have sensory/food aversions?

If you find they gravitate to one type of food- crunchy vs soft texture, or perhaps its a colour they avoid or perhaps it is separating foods to eat one at a time. These aversions can stem from different associations made in the mind around the food, a system imbalance or a physical challenge. Getting to the root of the issue with different therapies may help correct.

Why does my child struggle with sleep/can’t sleep?

Everyone needs a hormone melatonin, to be created and released in the brain in time with the sun setting & circadian rhythms- darkness usually stimulates this to happen. A child who cannot get to sleep or wakes in the night for hours- is a sign they are not making enough melatonin to keep them asleep. There is usually interference in a body system that disrupts this, too much sugar/carbs in the day and not burned off, physically over tired or lack of a consistent bedtime routine to prepare the body to let go of the day and prepare for sleep. Food intolerance may also be considered- this internal inflammation/immune response can disrupt the sleep cycle.

Why does my child have constant eczema?

Eczema is the first sign of a food intolerance. It can start very early, often with the introduction of formula or baby cereal. It can be inconsistent appearing to go away then come back within days- tracking what is eaten can be helpful & immediately may be discovered what is the culprit. The top triggers are cow dairy, wheat, corn, soy or egg. Applying topical creams are unfortunately a bandaid fix and just drive it further into the body, finding the food trigger and swapping it out can be quite effective in eradicating.

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