Christine L’Abbé

If you have a child with special needs, surely, you've noticed that there's something very beautiful and unique about them. Perhaps they touch your heart in a special way, or perhaps their lightheartedness and appreciation for the ordinary makes you smile. Many children with special needs have a bright light within them that has the ability to inspire and profoundly shift people around them. Did you ever think that perhaps they came to us for a reason? That maybe their growing presence is meant to communicate something to us, to show us what truly matters, to open our hearts, and…

Christine L’Abbé

As I write this blog post, I feel emotional, inspired, and excited. I felt compelled this morning to look at the past with gratitude as I turn the page and welcome a new phase – a new beginning. I reflected today on the last eight years of my life, which I believe were life altering – have you ever felt like you just kept hitting road blocks until, finally, you chose to surrender and see another way? Well, that's kind of what it was like, but over and over again in all facets of my life, as though the universe…

Christine L’Abbé

Today was a hard day being a mom. Both “typical” and “special”. It started out good enough, the boys and I woke up, had breakfast, played cars, watched a cartoon… then we got ready to walk over to a neighbours for a playdate. We live in an amazing 20+ home crescent which houses 45+ kids, and their parents. There’s a wide range of ages, but a relatively large portion is that of preschoolers, very close in age to my boys. One of the fellow moms decided to host a ladies and tots coffee/playdate, so that we could all chat in…

Christine L’Abbé

Our First Experiences with the Anat Baniel Method (ABM) Our son’s involvement with the Anat Baniel Method (ABM) started just under a year ago. Like many parents our first intensives brought about directions to limit as much as possible his exposure to your traditional therapies for a period of time (preferably a complete removal of these therapies) post lessons. I am sure many parents have questioned the need to follow these instructions, as I did in the early periods of our ABM experience. However, like many others who continue to pursue ABM I was seeing changes that had not been…

Christine L’Abbé

What is it about life that leads us to protect our heart, to dim its light and knowledge, or to silence its calling? Why does the mind’s logic and rational often surpass intuition? Why, when something feels so right, does our mind decide that it’s wrong? In today’s society, it seems that many of us live in fear of following our intuition and our heart, whether it’s to pursue a dream job, move to a foreign place, or go back to school. Is it because we’re fearful of the unknown? Are we fearful of judgment or disapproval? Are we afraid…

Christine L’Abbé

A TML (Transformational Movement Lesson) is a group class taught by Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) Neuromovement® practitioners. They are usually done in lying (on mats or blankets), in sitting on the floor or on a chair, and occasionally in standing. You should come in comfortable clothing that you can easily move in and wear socks unless otherwise instructed. The teacher (practitioner) will read/use words to guide the students through the lesson. Rarely will he/she correct you, for the intent is to gain more freedom in your mind and body. You will have to explore movements yourself, within certain parameters that…

Christine L’Abbé

Many of us begin adult life with a path in mind. Some of us even have a specific five year plan, or some ambition we wish to accomplish. We’re all so used to planning our next steps that we often forget to enjoy the moment, to live one day at a time, and just see where life is meant to take us. Sometimes, it takes a curve ball to shake us, to wake us up, to turn our seemingly 'perfect' life upside down as a way to get us back on the right path. What I’ve learned about curve balls…

Christine L’Abbé

Did you know that babies can have strokes while still in their mama's womb? Did you know that the likelihood of this happening is 1 in 1000 live births? I was completely shocked to find out both of these facts. Only 3 years ago, I was totally content in my belief that strokes were only for the elderly population, I had no idea it could happen to people of all ages, let alone babies who were safely tucked in their mama's bellies. My name is Brooke, and I want to tell you why these stats not only matter to me…

Christine L’Abbé

A Functional Synthesis Lesson (FS) is performed by an Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® practitioner. These lessons use Anat Baniel's nine essentials for healthy brain change, listed below. Movement with attentionSlowVariationSubtletyEnthusiasmFlexible goalsThe learning switchImagination and dreamsAwareness The essentials are foundational to neuroplastic change and the Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® work. They help the brain form new connections and overcome rigid habits providing more freedom in movement, eliminating pain and improving physical and cognitive functioning. I will be writing more about each essential in detail over the next few months so stay tuned. For now I will summarize by simply stating that…